The Best Ways To Rebuild Your Credit
A good credit score or credit rating is very important when come the time of applying credit. The better your credit score is, the better deals that have attractive low interest rate will be offered to you by many lenders, enabled you to have choices to select the best offer among the good deals. Hence, you have the responsible to maintain it and ensure it always have a high value. Actions such as default a loan, delay of credit card payment or miss payment and filing a bankruptcy can jeopardize your credit rating. If you already go through this bad phase, then, it is important for you to build your credit and get it back to order. Here are a few ways that you use to rebuild your credit and achieve a good credit score.
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A bad credit record can make it tough to get a loan or adequate insurance, find a good job, or rent an apartment. Yet, nearly half of all credit records contain serious errors. The new edition of The Credit Repair Kit provides consumers with all the information they need to order a copy of their credit record, understand what their records say about them, and deal with any problems they may find in those records. |
Build Your Credit With A Secured Credit Cards
When you are in debt, many experts will advise you to put away you credit card and not to charge your credit card again, so that you won't add new debt into your current debt. They are right, because the uncontrolled use of credit card can make your debt situation worse. But, if you want to rebuild your credit, the best way is "Use Your Credit Card".
Instead of using unsecured credit card that you still own, it's better for you to apply for a secured credit card.
You probably had given up your credit cards if you had gone through a debt management program during the process of getting you debt issue resolved. And if you credit score is not good, you probably won't be able to be approved for an unsecured credit card if you apply for one now; hence, applying for a secured credit card is the only way you can get a credit card that you can use to rebuild your credit.
What is secured credit card? Why it difference from my existing credit card? If you have not owned a secured credit card before, these questions may rise in your mind. Well, a secured credit card is the same physically with any other credit cards; the only different is a secured credit card is like a pre-paid card where you need to pay first before you use. It requires you to deposit a certain amount of cash as the collateral for a credit line. And the credit limit is the same with the amount of deposit. For example, if you put $500 into the account, you will be able to charge up to $500.
You use the secured credit card to purchase items and make the monthly payment in full on time. The issuing bank will report your good payment behavior to the credit bureau, and you will be on your way to establish a good credit history over time.
Build Your Credit With A Secured Personal Loan
Besides applying for secured credit card, you can also rebuild your credit by getting a secured personal loan. Like in secured credit card, a secured personal loan required you deposit cash or other valuable asset such as automobile, boat and jewelry as the collateral for the loan. The maximum loan can up to the collateral's value, but most of time, you can only get about 80%-90% of collateral's value.
Build a good credit history by making monthly loan repayment on time so that your good payment behavior will be consistently reported to the bureau and get it recorded into your credit report.
Rebuilding your credit after it has been jeopardized need time, patient and commitment. Secured credit card and secured personal loan are among the easier ways to regain your good credit score. Make your full monthly payment consistently and you will see your credit back to order when the time comes.
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