Why Minimum Payments On Your Credit Card Deals Are Rising?
There are several aspects that should be taken into account when people choose credit cards. When they decide what type of credit card deals they should own, they pay attention to annual fee, APR, introductory APR, rewards and cash rebate.
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It’s not a secret that lots of people are attracted by low payment. Many people are sure that the lower monthly payment, the more convenient credit cards. Nobody can guarantee that payment will remain the same. You must be aware of the fact that it may change. If one day you find out that your minimum payments have increased, don’t be shocked. As a matter of fact many credit cards have low monthly payment, which is very attractive for people. However, it may cause different problems. This low monthly payment is convenient, as you pay this minimum each month just because you can. But at the same time the process of paying off your credit balance will be very slow and you will lose more money.
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As a rule, lenders offer a lower monthly payment but a higher interest rate. So while choosing a credit card, examine both positive and negative sides of this type of card. It goes without saying that the program of increasing payments has both advantages and disadvantages. This change will not affect consumers who paid their balance in full each month or who paid more than their minimum payment.
So they even won’t see this increase. But this change may be devastating for those cardholders who don’t know how to make ends meet and who can afford to pay only minimum payments. Increasing monthly payments may cause new debts and at one time or another they will find themselves in over their head. But you should be conscious of the fact that it is for your own sake.
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Credit card companies have been asked to raise the minimum payment on balances from two percent to four percent. Two percent of credit balance required by credit card companies covered only interest and other fees, so it may take people many years to pay off the principal balance. Four percent should cover interest, any fees and one percent of the principal balance. The real motive of this increase is to get out of debt faster.
Only imagine that you may pay down your credit balances in a shorter period of time and save money in interest. Increasing monthly payments gives cardholders an opportunity to reduce their balances. Another reason for increasing minimum payments is the fact that plenty of people have many credit card deals and they can’t stop spending more than they can payback. The way out for such consumers is to stop using credit cards frequently or to control their expenses. On the whole increasing minimum payment is in the interest of consumers, as it is an excellent opportunity to pay off balances in a shorter period of time and get out of debt.
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